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13592016-04-08How to exchange line3 and line4 in 4-line-groups matching specified pattern?Advanced search and replace2374
13302015-12-13How to remove everything but specified strings between begin and end?Advanced search and replace2360
13282015-12-12How to remove the words around the digits?Regular expression replace2627
12742014-12-16How to decrease the first 4 digits in the beginning of each line by 1000?Text data calculation3088
11732014-02-11How to extract specified text followed by 8 digits from text file?Text file parser3224
11402013-09-29How to change each line of data to the specified format?Advanced search and replace3484
9832012-07-30How to repeat each line multiple times with number increased/decreased?Advanced search and replace2971
6782010-12-15How to replace the digits 5,6,7 with asterisk for all 11-digits numbers?Advanced search and replace2670
4532010-03-19How to rename files by removing last 8 digits and adding 6 digits?Batch file rename3958
2592008-08-27How to remove/delete all characters except number and spaces in a text file?Advanced search and replace3410
2552008-08-21How to count number of digits(0-9) in a text file?Count and statistics3590
2392008-08-02How to replace all digits into a random digit, but keep other letters in a text file?Random word generator3168

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